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SONY DVW-500 HD Digital Betacam Editing Video Cassette Recorder

SONY DVW-500 HD Digital Betacam Editing Video Cassette Recorder
SONY DVW-500 HD Digital Betacam Editing Video Cassette Recorder VTR with LCD LIVE COLOR VIDEO Since the introduction of the Digital Betacam format in 1993, the Sony DVW-500 Digital Betacam Editing Recorder has been widely accepted by high end video production houses and broadcasters around the world for its outstanding picture quality, multi-generation capabilities, and proven reliability. DESCRIPTION From Sony’s high-end line of versatile Digital Betacam Editing Recorders, the DVW-500 features coefficient recording (component digital), pre-read capability for video and audio, SMPTE 259M serial digital V/A interface, built-in analog video and audio interfaces, analog Betacam SP playback capability, optional composite analog input (included), and 4:3 and 16:9 capability. Built-in A/D and D/A converters for both audio and video signals allow for direct interfacing with analog equipment. Recognizable color pictures are provided in shuttle mode up to speeds of approx. 50 times normal playback. The DVW-A500 has a Program Play mode which allows video recordings to be reproduced over a range of 15% normal speed, in increments of 0.1%. FEATURES Superb Picture Quality High Quality Audio Betacam SP® Playback Capability Digital Jog Sound High Speed Picture Search Dynamic Tracking Playback Program Play Reliable Tape Transport Channel Condition Monitoring Digital record/playback time-Maximum 124 min. with BCT-D124L cassette Rent the Sony DVW-500 Digital Betacam Editing Recorder from Deck Hand Camera Rentals Today!
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